It has been a busy few dasy since I last updated my blog. Here are some of the highlights! Above are the desserts I made for the confirmation class luncheon at church. Of the group that joined the church, I went to Belize this past summer with all but one of them. Sadly, the Key Lime pie decided to commit suicide on the way to church. Brian pointed out that this was my first true crisis delivering food, so I guess I am doing pretty good in that respect. And, thankfully, there was enough strawberry pie and cheesecake to serve the people at the luncheon.

The day we got out for spring break, I went with some of the kids from Grace to Noah's Ark. Noah's Ark is a animal sanctuary that is close by. It had been a few years since I visited, and I was very impressed with all the improvements. The picture above is of a bear (you know I can't resist a photo opportunity of a bear) But this is not just any bear, he shares his home with a lion and a tiger. This family was seized by the DEA from a drug dealer when they were all cubs. The people at Noah's Ark said that this is the only "family" of its type in the United States, pretty cool! What was not cool was when one of my students dropped her car keys into the emu pen. Thankfully, we found a stick and were able to fish her keys away from the emus.

Since I was off this week, my mom took me to Atlanta. We were going to go purchase my new mixer, but since we found one on line much cheaper than the one at Macy's we ordered it off the internet. And I was happy that we still made the trip to Atlanta. I had to pick up a dress on Roswell Road, so we headed up north first. On our way to the dress shop, we passed a place called Red Baron Antiques. I have never seen so many cool (and expensive) things all in one place. I am talking everything from Tiffany lamps (the real ones, not the kind in Applebees) to old rides from carnivals. They also do an auction four times a year, so I would check it out if you have some money to burn, or you are in the market for an 18 foot fountain for your front yard. After looking at antiques we ate at Mary Mac's Tea Room. This was a place I had always wanted to visit, and it was delicious! I cannot wait to go back.

Our last stop of the day was at the Botanical Gardens. I had not been since they opened all of the new stuff. This is the new edible garden, which partially sits where the old parking lot was. The vines along the back are actually apple trees. We got there right in time to take a tour. I had never been on the tour before, and I learned a lot about the gardens from our leader.
This is the green roof on the new visitors center. I had never seen one up close before.
Interior of the new entrance. The sculpture in the middle is left over from the Chihuly exhibit. After the show, someone purchased it and donated it back to the Botanical Gardens.
And I couldn't resist a picture of an orchid :)